Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Well, I thought I would do a short update since I hadn't in awhile. Not much going on right now. Aspen has been in Lubbock for almost two weeks. I have stayed pretty busy with work, being sick, and hanging out with friends. It has still been crazy though. I am not sure what to do with myself! I am going to Lubbock this weekend and will get to have Aspen for the weekend so that will be wonderful! Since she has been gone, I have had time to watch even more movies, (I watched a lot of movies before so now it's just insane) and so this weekend I watched Music and Lyrics and Stranger Than Fiction. Both of those movies were really good, but Music and Lyrics was the best! I loved the 80's stuff! I also have been watching a lot of Law and Order, which I can watch all the time, and I have learned not to watch it right before I go to bed, because then I start hearing stuff and one night I had to leave my bathroom light on when I went to bed! I am such a dork! Anyways, that's really all that's going on right now. Hopefully I will have more later! Love you all!