Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Merry Christmas

Aspen and I say Merry Christmas to all of you!
So I sent this to some of you via email but I thought I would post it for those who I don't have their email.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags - wrapping paper with beautiful ribbon! I love pretty gifts

2.Tree--Real or Artificial? Real all the way!
3. When do you put Christmas tree up?. as soon as thanksgiving is over

4. When do you take the tree down? around New Years Day.

5. Do you like egg-nog? Yes especially my grandmother's on my dad's side

6. Do you have a nativity scene? No
7. Favorite gift received as a child? not sure i had a lot of great gifts growing up
8. Hardest person to buy for? My dad because he always buys what he wants for himself

9. Easiest person to buy for? have to agree w/ Kourtney on this one...Kendall

10. Worst Christmas gift? when i was five i got a rocking chair which i love now but as a five year old i was ticked! i wanted a toy!
11. Mail or email a Christmas cards? I want to mail them but never do so usually end up w/ comments on myspace and email Christmas cards

12. Favorite Christmas movie. Elf or all I want for Christmas

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I randomly will buy gifts in the summer like one or two then i cram the week before
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? don't think so

15. Favorite food to eat on Christmas? my Mom's breakfast casserole and stuffing for lunch

16. Clear or colored tree lights? Clear

17. Favorite Christmas Song? Breath of Heaven or All I want for Christmas is you- Mariah Carey oh yea...i know i will get teased for this one....Feliz Navidad!
18. Travel during Christmas or Stay home? HOME

19. Can you name Santa's reindeer's? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph
20. Angel or Star on Tree top?. Angel
21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? scrooges and not having enough money to buy all things i want for my awesome family and friends!
MERRY CHRISTMAS Love you All!!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Highlight of My Week

Hey Everyone! I know it's been forever, but I have been super busy! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Aspen was with Jeremy over Thanksgiving, but besides that mine was great! I hung out with the fam for three days and friends the rest of the time. Aspen and I picked out a beautiful Christmas tree this week, and it was very interesting putting it up by myself, but it looks great! Well, I wanted to tell everyone about a great thing that happened to me or actually one of my students this week. Before Christmas all Middle School students had to take their Math Milestone test. Well, my students are behind in Math at least two grade levels and the Milestone test is on grade level, so they are not expected to pass this test. They take it, half of them don't even try because it is so difficult for them. Well, this week we got the scores back and one of my students passed the test! This is so awesome! So I made a banner for him and hung it up and my classroom and put streamers up so all my classes saw it when they came in. I got him a little present and just made a huge deal out of it. The coolest part of it all was his reaction. He could not stop smiling and he is usually goofying around in class and complaining about everything being too hard, but yesterday he was like " I can do this cus I passed my test!" He seriously said that like three times. I just wanted to hug him! And I told my other students that I wanted to be broke next 6 weeks when they take the next Milestone test because I had to buy them all gifts! Anyways, it was really cool for my student and it was encouragement to me too, to see progress even if it was just in one student! Well I hope you all have a good weekend! Love you!

Friday, October 26, 2007

New Song

Hey! This is a real fast post, but I just wanted everyone to hear one of my new favorite songs. It is the last song on my playlist at the bottom of the page. It's called Bubbly by Colbie Cailat. I just love this song, it's so cute. Anyways have a great day! love you

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Weekend at the Beach!

Well this weekend Aspen and I decided to take a road trip to the beach. We did not get to have a family vacation this year and Aspen has been begging me to take her to the beach, so we decided to go to Galveston. Galveston may not be the best beach around but it is the closest! Aspen and I had a blast! The last time we went Aspen loved the sand, but did not like the waves. This time was another story! She loved jumping the waves! She wanted to go as far out in the ocean as we could! She also loved the salt water. Aspen would like her hands after swimming, because she loved tasting the salt....so gross! We stayed in a cheap hotel, because I didn't have tons of money to spend, and it was ok, but very, very old! We stayed Friday night, Saturday, Sunday and we were going to come back Monday (we had Monday off from school), but Aspen and I were bored Sunday night so we decided to drive back late Sunday night. On Sunday night we ate at the Rainforest Cafe, and went on the Rainforest ride which was fun. So some pictures are below! I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend!! Love you!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Well, Hello!

So it's been forever since I've blogged! I just wanted to catch everyone up. I have been teaching Middle School Resource Math for the last four weeks and I really enjoy it. I hate the amount of planning, but I love my kids and I have a blast during the day! Some of the things I love about teaching middle school:
- the kids are risk takers, they'll try almost anything
- they are so random!
- they still want you to like them (most of them at least)
- they are getting involved with school sports, school spirit!
- they make me laugh!
- they want to teach me all the "in" stuff....for example, I can't count how many students have told me they want to teach me the soulja boy dance or they explain all the different names of boy haircuts, I didn't even know there were names for haircuts!

Anyways, I am really liking it and I hope I continue to. Aspen and I are trying different churches, I need a change. So far we have tried a non-denominational church in Dallas in the Uptown area. I really like it; however, I want to try a few more before I make a decision. Aspen is doing great; her day care has started a curriculum that includes Bible stories and educational lessons so she is really enjoying this. I am so busy right now that I don't have a lot to say, because I don't have a lot of time to think:) But I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on and I hope you are all doing wonderful! Love you!

Monday, August 13, 2007


I have changed my setting where anyone can post a comment. Just don't forget to sign your name to the bottom of your comment, so I know who you are:) Hope everyone's day has been wonderful! I am enjoying my Staff Development training, and I am looking foward to my first year of teaching! Pray for me!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

100 Things!

Ok, so my best friend did this so I have been slowly adding things the last few days....I hope you enjoy and please do one to so I can read about you!

100 Things About Me

1. I am a mother of a beautiful girl
2. I love music, all kinds except really hard rock and country
3. I'm a Christian
4. I enjoy the outdoors
5. I love Spanish.
6. I wish I could speak more Spanish
7. I have been more sick this summer than all of 2006
8. I have been sick at the last 2 weddings I have attended....maybe it's a sign:)
9. I live in "The Grove" and some people I meet think it's cute that me of all people live here, others I'm crazy
10. I love my family they are the best!
11. I have a best friend who is having twins
12. I have a best friend who just had a baby!
13. I have a best friend who is getting married
14. I have a best friend who is moving closer to me!
15. I have a best friend who just moved closer to me than she was before, but she is still like an hour away.
16. I love Dallas
17. But I could totally live on the beach or Austin, beach is preference number 1
18. When people first meet me they ask if I'm 18 yrs. old
19. I'm totally nervous about teaching math!
20. My daughter can make me laugh so hard sometimes
21. My daughter can also make me need a "Mommy timeout!"
22. I love Italian and Mexican food
23. I hate slow drivers especially on the highway
24. My top two favorite tv shows of all time is Seinfeld and The Office
25. My favorite movie, like one I can watch over and over again, Bridget Jones' Diary.
26. I wish all my friends lived within 15 minutes of me
27. I love the Bourne movies....so awesome!
28. I think fairly highly of myself, and sometimes I find myself saying, "What's going on? Am I not a beautiful as I think I am?" a little glimpse into my crazy head:)
29. I promise I am really not all that shallow
30. I am a fairly smart individual but I have my moments:)
31. I fell down bleachers at a football game in high school, right on my face!
32. I have a daughter who is as clumsy as her mother!
33. I love to help others
34. I can't wait for the new season of Lost
35. I can be really hyper and silly
36. I like jogging even when it's really hot
37. I hate having my car broken into
38. I think 2007 has been a rough year so far" ;)
39. I would like to visit the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica some day.
40. I was born in Italy and would like to go back.
41. I could see myself moving to another country.
42. Rude people annoy me.
43. I think I am finally back to my natural hair color! just took 5 years
44. Watching a good movie, is one of my favorite things!
45. I enjoy being around funny people
46. People who are negative all the time, annoy me
47. I really would love to be able to see into the future.
48. Patience is not one of my strongest virtues
49. Typically I run on time
50. I hate buying gas for my car
51. I have gotten where I love raw tomatoes, I used to only eat them cooked.
52. I have a 100 year old great grandmother who is very healthy for her age.
53. Some of my favorite times is w/ my sisters
54. I don't get my feelings hurt very easily
55. Sometimes I am stubborn
56. Chicago and Evita are also two of my favorite movies
57. Some people say I look like Renee Zellweger.
58. I wish I had a good voice
59. Snobby people drive me nuts
60. I have a Great Dane and apparently a Chihuahua b/c my neighbors dog has moved in!
61. I wish I had a swimming pool at my house.
62. I believe there is good in everyone!
63. Sometimes I miss my blond hair
64. I love to sing in my car, but I admit, if I catch someone watching......I usually stop
65. Sometimes I ask questions and then don't listen to the answer b/c my mind wanders.
66. I text message while I drive (mom is going to kill me)
67. I love Pottery Barn, but I can't afford anything there!
68. Some people say I'm too nice
69. I will watch movies in other languages (with subtitles of course)
70. I think Catherine Zeta Jones is one of the most beautiful women ever!
71. I have a Bible in Spanish/English.
72. Shemar Moore is my future husband:)
73. I think Bruce Willis is so cute for an older man
74. If I don't eat when I get hungry, I am very irritable!
75. I am not a very observant person
76. I don't have a good sense of smell.
77. I don't mind knocking down wasp nests! really random!
78. I love reading quotes from famous, influential people like Martin Luther King, Ghandi, and Mother Teresa
79. Clowns kinda freak me out
80. Rats completely scare me!
81. I wish I was on the beach.
82. I have green eyes
83. I love pictures in black and white
84. I enjoy watching documentaries
85. Woman who act helpless get on my nerves
86. I honk at bad drivers
87. My favorite flowers are Zennias and Tulips
88. I get my eyebrows threaded.
89. I like watching basketball, ecspecially street ball, at the park near my house.
90. My favorite college football team is UT of course!
91. My favorite NFL teams are the Cowboys and Green Bay Packers
92. I don't really watch baseball unless I go to a game.
93. I tried to get into Hockey once upon a time, but it didn't work
94. Beyonce is one of my favorite artist. As my sister says, "She's my homegirl!" :)
95 My daughter is 4 going on 18
96. People who judge others really irritate me.
97. I feel like 100 things is really too much but I'll keep going......
98. My high school history teacher is one of my favorite teachers b/c he was so random!
99. I really want an ipod
100. I love the saying, "Live, Laugh, Love" I think it fits me!
If you actually read all 100 good for you! Now you have have to write your own!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Weekend with Aspen!

Well, this weekend I was able to go visit Aspen in Lubbock. This is my second time to see her, and she will be home in two more weeks! Thank goodness! We had a lot of fun. We stayed in a hotel so it felt like a mini vacation. We went to dinner Friday night, and then watched a movie in the hotel room. On Saturday, we swam for the majority of the day. Kelli and Brayden came over to the hotel to swim. Kelli looks beautiful, and will be having baby MaKenna on Monday. Brayden and Aspen had fun together as always. Then my friend Monica brought pizza over and we ate. Monica's father has a lake house on Buffalo Springs Lake, so Monica invited Aspen and I to go, so Aspen could go fishing. Aspen had told me earlier that day that she has been wanting to go fishing, but no one had taken her all summer! :( So we went and Aspen caught a fish, it was small but it was still fun. My camera ran out of batteries that night so I don't have any pics of us fishing. Then that night we watched TV and played around in the hotel room. Aspen is doing ok, she is ready to come back home so it was hard for me to leave her there. I will be so happy when she is home. It has been nice to have some "me time," but it feels so strange not to have her here. She is such an awesome little girl! Below are some pics, I know everyone is ready for her to come home! love ya!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Well, today was my little sister's wedding shower! Most of you know that I am not a big fan of showers, but it is for my beautiful sister so I had fun!. Look at the beautiful cake! I have never seen a prettier cake! For those who don't know, my sister is getting married on July 31st and she is an awesome girl and I am so proud of her! Since we had her shower, my sister came in from Austin, and we had so much fun! I am so blessed with a wonderful family! I was telling one of my friends the other day how lucky I am that I have parents that I really do enjoy being with and are wonderful people! Unfortunetly, not everyone can say that! Well, I just wanted to update everyone! Love you all!

Monday, July 2, 2007

New Eyes...

Well, as I have mentioned before I am reading a wonderful book, Irresistible Revolution, by Shane Claiborne. It is taking me awhile to read it, because it is so intense, for weeks I will read it every night, then I have to take a break and won't read for awhile. I agree with everything I have read so far. I believe God is really using Shane in this book. So if you haven't read it you really should. But I wanted to share a part of the book that really hit me tonight, and maybe it will touch you to. The title of this section is The Scandal of Grace....

When we look through the eyes of Jesus, we see new things in people. In the murderers, we see our own hatred. In the addicts, we see our own addictions. In the saints, we catch a glimpse of our own holiness. We can see our own brokenness, our own violence, our own ability to destroy, and we can see our own sacredness, our own capacity to love and forgive. When we realize that we are both wretched and beautiful, we are freed up to see others the same way.

I know for me it is a constant struggle to see everyone as Jesus sees them, as His child. And of course, most days it is difficult to see myself as Jesus sees me, it is hard to comprehend being wretched and beautiful! A few paragraphs later he says...

When we have new eyes, we can look into the eyes of those we don't even like and see the One we love. We can see God's image in everyone we encounter.

How incredible is that, to see God's image in EVERYONE! Wow, that blows me away. I hope this touched someone else as it touched me, and I pray that I can continue to try to see others through the eyes of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Well, I thought I would do a short update since I hadn't in awhile. Not much going on right now. Aspen has been in Lubbock for almost two weeks. I have stayed pretty busy with work, being sick, and hanging out with friends. It has still been crazy though. I am not sure what to do with myself! I am going to Lubbock this weekend and will get to have Aspen for the weekend so that will be wonderful! Since she has been gone, I have had time to watch even more movies, (I watched a lot of movies before so now it's just insane) and so this weekend I watched Music and Lyrics and Stranger Than Fiction. Both of those movies were really good, but Music and Lyrics was the best! I loved the 80's stuff! I also have been watching a lot of Law and Order, which I can watch all the time, and I have learned not to watch it right before I go to bed, because then I start hearing stuff and one night I had to leave my bathroom light on when I went to bed! I am such a dork! Anyways, that's really all that's going on right now. Hopefully I will have more later! Love you all!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Random Thoughts...

Here are my random thoughts for the day! First, I got my oil changed today at a Jiffy Lube, and I realized that Jiffy Lubes are always the nicest people and the best service. I have been to Jiffy Lubes in Mesquite, Dallas (my neighborhood), and Hurst and all of them have been so friendly and seem guiniune. So I could totally be on a commercial:)

My second random thought is .....I was thinking of funny Seinfeld quotes so I thought I would share....

Hope you enjoy!
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"Maybe the Dingo ate your baby!" - Elaine

"I'm a walking candy apple!"- Elaine

"You stole my Jesus fish didn't you!"- Puddy

"Mr. Marbles?"- Jerry

"That's it I can't take it anymore! We're breaking up!"- Elaine to Puddy of course

"Now that is one magic loogie!"- Jerry
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"So we're just two white people? What should we do now? You wanna go to the Gap?"- Elaine

"I'm out there Jerry and I'm enjoying every minute of it!" -Kramer

"George is upset!"- George

"You wanna peice of me?"- Frank Costanza

"I could drop you like a bag of dirt!"- Elaine

"Are you saying you wanna a peice of mem you got it!"- Frank

"I don't like this thing, and here's what I'm doing with it!"- Elaine when she throws George's hair piece out the window.

"Well that's because you're an idiot!" -Elaine

"Serenity now!"- Frank Costanza

"Hoochie Mama!"- Kramer

" So I was buttering myself up for a good shave...?- George

Ok seriously I could go on forever! I love Seinfeld! Feel free to post your favorite Seinfeld comments! Love ya!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

What's going on with me!

Well, I wanted to let everyone know about my last few days. They have been very exciting! Yesterday, I went to Samuel High School, which is in the middle of "the Grove." Many people warned me that I should not go there because the kids were so bad, so of course, I tried to see how quickly I could visit. I realize sometimes I think I am tougher than I really am, but you all know how much I like a challenge! So I mostly hung out in a self-contained classroom, which had students on various levels. The students in this classroom have all their courses in self-contained rooms, because for one reason or another they cannot be in general ed. The teacher took me around to the different Special Ed units, which was very interesting. The teachers were all very nice and told me about their classrooms. I think if I do not get a job in a self-contained, resource, content mastery, or inclusion position then I would like to be in a Functioning Life Skills room (students who are very low functioning and you teach them basic life skills) or maybe in an Autism classroom. The Autism classroom would be difficult, but I think with enough training/ research on my part then I could enjoy it. So I did not get scared at all in Samuel. I was picturing these gangstas that would be getting all up in my face, but they were just kids just like anywhere else. Yes there was some kids with their jeans down to their knees, and some kids where not wearing their uniforms but I see that almost anywhere. The worst thing that happened was a kid kicked out a window in the cafeteria. But it is the end of the school year so stuff like that happens (you know kids don't think!). I did hear a funny story about a student who used to go to school at Samuel. Earlier in the school year, the school had to have a lock down because a bank in the area was robbed and they knew the student lived near the high school. The police knew who the robber was because he wrote a note to the teller, "This is a stick up, signed Pookie AKA Rodney ____" He actually wrote his name on the note! Smart kid:) So overall it was fun! I enjoyed the other teachers and the students.
Then today I went to a job fair through my alternative education program. I spoke to Garland ISD and the woman I spoke to was also a LMSW and she was very excited that I was willing to work with Behavior problem students at the high school level. She said in GISD the SPED teachers who work with the Behavior students actually just support the student while they go to their gen. ed classrooms, so I would not actually have them all in a classroom, so that would be interesting. Then I spoke to a teacher at Mesquite ISD and he said he would hand deliver my resume to one of the principals so I could try to get a Resource position at a middle school that is extremely close to my house. And then I didn't realize a guy from my church works with Forney ISD. Forney is not quite the population I want to work with (middle to upper middle class country suburb), but it would be a job. So I am just praying God will take me where I am supposed to be. Somewhere that I can be successful in teaching students and stay safe! So i just wanted to fill everyone in! I love all of you!

I will leave you two quotes......

"We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it." Mother Teresa

"We have a God of resurrection, a God who can create beauty from the messes we make of our world." Irresistible Revolution - Praise the Lord for that!

Monday, May 7, 2007


I just wanted to let everyone know, that I passed my Special Education test!! Yea! I was able to get my "unofficial score" online so I am totally pumped! Now I have no excuse for not filling out some applications (in all my spare time). But I just wanted to let everyone know! God is good:) I am super busy right now, going to class on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, so after that is all over....in two weeks, I promise I will do better on the blogging! Love all of you!

So something to leave you with......here is a cool quote I read in this book I am reading (which is totally awesome it's called Irresistible Revolution)

"When I fed the hungry, they called me a Saint. When I asked why people are hungry, they called me a communist."

Think about.......

Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm just venting.....

Ok, I just feel like talking about things I am tired of, so if you don't feel like reading a not so positive blog, then stop now!

I am tired of school, seriously I have my Masters, why can't I get a job I enjoy, pays decent, and has decent hours? Second, I am sick of my daughter whining all the time. She was not always like this, but lately she whines and fights with me about everything. So I told her tonight that this was her last night to act like that. Starting tomorrow she is going to act like she is 4 years old! We are going to do a mini-celebration of her growing out of this baby stage. So anyone who wants to eat dinner with us can, it will be like we are celebrating her birthday, again. Third, I am tired of losers. My definition of losers are those who care way more about themselves and their selfish desires than they care about those closest to them. And those same people think others should bend overs backward for them. LOCO!! I know I am not perfect, but this is my blog so I can say what I want. Finally, I am tired of not being home. I feel like I come home in time to sleep these days. My poor dog is so happy when we get home and I feed her and go to bed.

Well that's it for now. I do want you all to notice on all these I said I was tired, not mad or even frustrated. Just tired. Please don't think I am this person who has all these negative thoughts going off in my head all the time. I just needed some venting time.

My positive thought....
I wanted to put a verse on here that I really like. I am reading a book and this was in there, and I thought it was a great point. It is from Genesis and Joseph is speaking to his brothers, and I thought this was a great attitude. It really sums up to me, the way Joseph lived his life. We have all experienced bad things in life, but I don't know any who were sold into slavery, put into prison, and then forgotten about about those who they helped. Not to minimize anyone's bad experiences, but I think we could learn from Joseph.

Genesis 50:19
But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. "

God does have great things intended for us all. When we focus on him we can have the life he intended for us. Awesome!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

Today was a great day! Aspen and I both had a blast! It started with us going to church at my grandparent's church. It is always so fun to go to church with family. Then we went to lunch at my grandparent's house and got to hang out with some family. Aspen had fun hunting eggs and playing with her cousins. As I watched Aspen hunting the Easter eggs, I remembered all the fun times I had with my cousins at my grandparent's house. We would have so much fun hunting Easter eggs, playing basketball, making tents, going to the zoo, and so on. I love my family!

Then Aspen and I went to a get together with my neighbor's family, who treat Aspen and I like family. We got to have cascarones smashed on our heads. Cascarones are egg shells filled with confetti or flour. Everyone would chase each other smashing the eggs on one another, or we would try to sneak up on each other and surprise the other person. Needless to say, Aspen and I left with white hair! We also enjoyed some great food and some Mexican candy. I just love my family and friends. I am so blessed and I cannot imagine what I would do with out everyone! I love you all!

Jump girls! Jump!

Come on Jordan, Let her have it!

Kayla, Kybree, and Aspen

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My first time

Well, one of my best friends told me I need to start blogging ....so I am going to try it out! I really don't know when I will have time to do this, but who knows I just might love it. It may end up being a place where I put write random things that no one really cares to read, but I at least get to say them! So my random thought for today is..... why? So many "why" questions pop in our head every day! Why is this idiot driving 30mph on the highway? Why do people take pictures of themselves doing stupid things? Why do we have to work so hard? Why do people get on my nerves? I wish I had answers to these questions. I really do, but I don't and I am afraid I never will. I did hear today someone talking about why must we (Christians) love others even our enemies and expect nothing in return? And the answer was because non-Christians do not know HOW to love others. They can "love" their own way, but if you don't know God's love then you really don't know love. I never had really thought about it like that. I always thought of it as a choice not to love others, but non-Christians really don't know how to love because they have never experienced true love or if they have experienced it they have chosen to turn their back on it. It is so sad to me that people are so lost, not that I am perfect, but at least I have experienced love and I must share that love! So for the few people who are reading this:) Go out and LOVE!
( Wow now people can see how my thoughts can go from one subject to another in like 2 seconds)