Tuesday, August 7, 2007

100 Things!

Ok, so my best friend did this so I have been slowly adding things the last few days....I hope you enjoy and please do one to so I can read about you!

100 Things About Me

1. I am a mother of a beautiful girl
2. I love music, all kinds except really hard rock and country
3. I'm a Christian
4. I enjoy the outdoors
5. I love Spanish.
6. I wish I could speak more Spanish
7. I have been more sick this summer than all of 2006
8. I have been sick at the last 2 weddings I have attended....maybe it's a sign:)
9. I live in "The Grove" and some people I meet think it's cute that me of all people live here, others I'm crazy
10. I love my family they are the best!
11. I have a best friend who is having twins
12. I have a best friend who just had a baby!
13. I have a best friend who is getting married
14. I have a best friend who is moving closer to me!
15. I have a best friend who just moved closer to me than she was before, but she is still like an hour away.
16. I love Dallas
17. But I could totally live on the beach or Austin, beach is preference number 1
18. When people first meet me they ask if I'm 18 yrs. old
19. I'm totally nervous about teaching math!
20. My daughter can make me laugh so hard sometimes
21. My daughter can also make me need a "Mommy timeout!"
22. I love Italian and Mexican food
23. I hate slow drivers especially on the highway
24. My top two favorite tv shows of all time is Seinfeld and The Office
25. My favorite movie, like one I can watch over and over again, Bridget Jones' Diary.
26. I wish all my friends lived within 15 minutes of me
27. I love the Bourne movies....so awesome!
28. I think fairly highly of myself, and sometimes I find myself saying, "What's going on? Am I not a beautiful as I think I am?" a little glimpse into my crazy head:)
29. I promise I am really not all that shallow
30. I am a fairly smart individual but I have my moments:)
31. I fell down bleachers at a football game in high school, right on my face!
32. I have a daughter who is as clumsy as her mother!
33. I love to help others
34. I can't wait for the new season of Lost
35. I can be really hyper and silly
36. I like jogging even when it's really hot
37. I hate having my car broken into
38. I think 2007 has been a rough year so far" ;)
39. I would like to visit the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica some day.
40. I was born in Italy and would like to go back.
41. I could see myself moving to another country.
42. Rude people annoy me.
43. I think I am finally back to my natural hair color! just took 5 years
44. Watching a good movie, is one of my favorite things!
45. I enjoy being around funny people
46. People who are negative all the time, annoy me
47. I really would love to be able to see into the future.
48. Patience is not one of my strongest virtues
49. Typically I run on time
50. I hate buying gas for my car
51. I have gotten where I love raw tomatoes, I used to only eat them cooked.
52. I have a 100 year old great grandmother who is very healthy for her age.
53. Some of my favorite times is w/ my sisters
54. I don't get my feelings hurt very easily
55. Sometimes I am stubborn
56. Chicago and Evita are also two of my favorite movies
57. Some people say I look like Renee Zellweger.
58. I wish I had a good voice
59. Snobby people drive me nuts
60. I have a Great Dane and apparently a Chihuahua b/c my neighbors dog has moved in!
61. I wish I had a swimming pool at my house.
62. I believe there is good in everyone!
63. Sometimes I miss my blond hair
64. I love to sing in my car, but I admit, if I catch someone watching......I usually stop
65. Sometimes I ask questions and then don't listen to the answer b/c my mind wanders.
66. I text message while I drive (mom is going to kill me)
67. I love Pottery Barn, but I can't afford anything there!
68. Some people say I'm too nice
69. I will watch movies in other languages (with subtitles of course)
70. I think Catherine Zeta Jones is one of the most beautiful women ever!
71. I have a Bible in Spanish/English.
72. Shemar Moore is my future husband:)
73. I think Bruce Willis is so cute for an older man
74. If I don't eat when I get hungry, I am very irritable!
75. I am not a very observant person
76. I don't have a good sense of smell.
77. I don't mind knocking down wasp nests! really random!
78. I love reading quotes from famous, influential people like Martin Luther King, Ghandi, and Mother Teresa
79. Clowns kinda freak me out
80. Rats completely scare me!
81. I wish I was on the beach.
82. I have green eyes
83. I love pictures in black and white
84. I enjoy watching documentaries
85. Woman who act helpless get on my nerves
86. I honk at bad drivers
87. My favorite flowers are Zennias and Tulips
88. I get my eyebrows threaded.
89. I like watching basketball, ecspecially street ball, at the park near my house.
90. My favorite college football team is UT of course!
91. My favorite NFL teams are the Cowboys and Green Bay Packers
92. I don't really watch baseball unless I go to a game.
93. I tried to get into Hockey once upon a time, but it didn't work
94. Beyonce is one of my favorite artist. As my sister says, "She's my homegirl!" :)
95 My daughter is 4 going on 18
96. People who judge others really irritate me.
97. I feel like 100 things is really too much but I'll keep going......
98. My high school history teacher is one of my favorite teachers b/c he was so random!
99. I really want an ipod
100. I love the saying, "Live, Laugh, Love" I think it fits me!
If you actually read all 100 good for you! Now you have have to write your own!

1 comment:

GlitteryKitchenTable said...

You get your eyebrows threaded? What is that? I love your 100 things! And I think your are gorgeous and don't understand why anyone wouldn't agree to that. And the next time you ask me a question and then have a blank look on your face-I will know why! :) Those two cracked me up! Now wasn't that just the most fun thing you've ever done in your life! :) Love you!