Sunday, July 15, 2007

Weekend with Aspen!

Well, this weekend I was able to go visit Aspen in Lubbock. This is my second time to see her, and she will be home in two more weeks! Thank goodness! We had a lot of fun. We stayed in a hotel so it felt like a mini vacation. We went to dinner Friday night, and then watched a movie in the hotel room. On Saturday, we swam for the majority of the day. Kelli and Brayden came over to the hotel to swim. Kelli looks beautiful, and will be having baby MaKenna on Monday. Brayden and Aspen had fun together as always. Then my friend Monica brought pizza over and we ate. Monica's father has a lake house on Buffalo Springs Lake, so Monica invited Aspen and I to go, so Aspen could go fishing. Aspen had told me earlier that day that she has been wanting to go fishing, but no one had taken her all summer! :( So we went and Aspen caught a fish, it was small but it was still fun. My camera ran out of batteries that night so I don't have any pics of us fishing. Then that night we watched TV and played around in the hotel room. Aspen is doing ok, she is ready to come back home so it was hard for me to leave her there. I will be so happy when she is home. It has been nice to have some "me time," but it feels so strange not to have her here. She is such an awesome little girl! Below are some pics, I know everyone is ready for her to come home! love ya!


GlitteryKitchenTable said...

She's gotten big! I'm glad you got to go see her again-looks like ya'll had fun!

KaleyIhfe said...

I'm so glad you had so much fun together - I know it was hard to leave! She looks great, and we can't wait to see her in a few days! (And you too!)

Love you!