Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My first time

Well, one of my best friends told me I need to start blogging ....so I am going to try it out! I really don't know when I will have time to do this, but who knows I just might love it. It may end up being a place where I put write random things that no one really cares to read, but I at least get to say them! So my random thought for today is..... why? So many "why" questions pop in our head every day! Why is this idiot driving 30mph on the highway? Why do people take pictures of themselves doing stupid things? Why do we have to work so hard? Why do people get on my nerves? I wish I had answers to these questions. I really do, but I don't and I am afraid I never will. I did hear today someone talking about why must we (Christians) love others even our enemies and expect nothing in return? And the answer was because non-Christians do not know HOW to love others. They can "love" their own way, but if you don't know God's love then you really don't know love. I never had really thought about it like that. I always thought of it as a choice not to love others, but non-Christians really don't know how to love because they have never experienced true love or if they have experienced it they have chosen to turn their back on it. It is so sad to me that people are so lost, not that I am perfect, but at least I have experienced love and I must share that love! So for the few people who are reading this:) Go out and LOVE!
( Wow now people can see how my thoughts can go from one subject to another in like 2 seconds)


Kourtney said...

yay...now we can read your thoughts! just kidding. but i do love you AND your thoughts : )

GlitteryKitchenTable said...

I'm so happy that you are blogging! And...you're first blog had some deep thoughts in it...you're already a pro b/c I rarely talk about anything deep in mine! :) I think this blogging thing will be good for you and we all know how I'm always right! :) Love you!