Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Weekend at the Beach!

Well this weekend Aspen and I decided to take a road trip to the beach. We did not get to have a family vacation this year and Aspen has been begging me to take her to the beach, so we decided to go to Galveston. Galveston may not be the best beach around but it is the closest! Aspen and I had a blast! The last time we went Aspen loved the sand, but did not like the waves. This time was another story! She loved jumping the waves! She wanted to go as far out in the ocean as we could! She also loved the salt water. Aspen would like her hands after swimming, because she loved tasting the salt....so gross! We stayed in a cheap hotel, because I didn't have tons of money to spend, and it was ok, but very, very old! We stayed Friday night, Saturday, Sunday and we were going to come back Monday (we had Monday off from school), but Aspen and I were bored Sunday night so we decided to drive back late Sunday night. On Sunday night we ate at the Rainforest Cafe, and went on the Rainforest ride which was fun. So some pictures are below! I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend!! Love you!!!!


GlitteryKitchenTable said...

How fun!! What great pictures too-that last one looks professional. I had the special K fruit and yogurt at your house one time and that's why I bought it! :) Glad ya'll got to go to the beach!

Anonymous said...

Hey, girl! That sounds like you both had a lot of fun. I love doing spontaneous things like that. I totally want to see you when I am in Dallas. I'll have to get your number and set up a time. You know....you and Aspen should try and come and stay with us in Ecuador next summer. You could totally brush up on your Spanish here!:) Just a thought! Send me your number so I can call you.

Anonymous said...

Looks like ya'll had lots of fun!! Aspen is just like you Kamille : )

Ashley said...

How did I not know you had a blog? Blogging is totally an addiction of mine (and Alyssa's)

Cute beach picts. Aspen is getting so big!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. It was fun coloring with Aspen the other day, even if she is very controlling!

I hope you know who Juana is, b/c if you don't I am a little freaked out.


Anonymous said...

Great work.