Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Prayer Request

I would like to ask everyone to keep my cousin, his wife, and their two newborn twins in your prayers. The twins were born April 14th, and they were born 15 weeks pre-mature. God has taken care of these little ones, but they continue to need our prayers. Here is a link to their web page so you can keep up with our answered prayers:

Monday, April 28, 2008

New Book

Ok so I continue to be terrible about updating my profile...maybe this summer I will do a better job! But I have been reading a lot, and I have a book everyone must read! It's call Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. It is a true story written by two men who live in Fort Worth/ Dallas. It is so powerful and shows God's awesome power and wisdom. It was such an inspirational and encouraging story that I just think everyone should read it. The book I read before that was Blue Like Jazz; another wonderful book that I encourage everyone to read. It is more like a bunch of short stories put together, but it is really good!

Also let me give you a short update on my job. It looks like I will be full time at my morning campus, which is a very good thing! I am tired of traveling between two campuses. Also the principal at my morning campus is amazing and I learn so much from her, so I am excited to be staying at that school. Aspen is doing great. She has already lost two teeth! Yikes!!! She is growing up way too fast! Well, I hope everyone has a great day and I will try to update you again sooner than last time!